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Between you and me I have a feeling you didn't click on this guide for me to talk about Ottawa fine dining. But that's okay because what we are focusing on are the best places to grab a bite to eat both on and around the uOttawa campus. Whether you're looking for a greasy spoon, or something quick on campus this guide is for you.

uOttawa Dining

uOttawa meal plans are a great place to start and depending on where you chose to live based on our guide, they may be mandatory. With both 5 and 7 day options and uOttawa dining hall hours of 24/7 offering all you care to eat, you certainly won't go hungry.

There is also what can be considered the uOttawa food court located in the SITE building which offers great selections on the far side of campus. Campus isn't your only choice for food though, as in the downtown core there is a wide range of restaurants near uOttawa offering everything you could possibly want.

When trying to find food near uOttawa there's a lot of factors in play. Maybe you want to try what food is Ottawa known for, or perhaps you're just thankful for the uOttawa food services hours, because nothing beats 24/7.

No matter what you're looking for you can find it here. With over 2,000 restaurants in a city of 1,000,000 people you'll find almost every culture's cuisine and preferences represented here. So whether it's University of Ottawa food services that's feeding you, or the great selection of restaurants near University of Ottawa, the freshman 15 will be well worth it.

Lets start with on campus options


uOttawa Restaurants on Campus


The food on campus is great in terms of both quality and convenience, but truly there aren't that many options. With 2,000+ restaurants to choose from Ottawa fine dining to dive bars, sometimes it's worth taking a stroll downtown.

The Byward Market is a short walk downtown but your options aren't limited there. With your UPass you can reach nearly all corners of the city and the great dining options off the beaten path.